Monday 13 February 2012

You Are Not A Failure

The commencement of almost every great thing in life is very small. People despise it; laugh at it, gossip about it and even discourage the carrier of such vision. Your dream in life is not an exception.

Those who have gone ahead of you in business might be trying a few tricks on you to intimidate you to giving up your dreams. May be nobody is giving you a dog chance in what you have set your heart and mind to accomplish.

Some might have considered you as a non existing story. Unfortunately, you are at the verge of believing these negative reports about yourself because you have heard them repeatedly. May be you even think you are a failure because you have failed a couple of times. Thomas Edison may be turning in his grave seeing you are about to give up for failing just a couple of times to achieve your dreams.

Know this one truth before believing the lies. There are three categories of people on earth. The first category are people who by providence sail through no matter what. The second group are those who encounter obstacles on their journey to their dream land but decide to work on themselves in order to rise to where they dream to be. The final group is those who decide to  settle for what others wish for them. The Bible says as a man thinks in his heart, so is he. Where do you fall among these three categories of people?

You cannot afford to settle on the negative opinions people have and wish for you. What is hidden from you is this "those who oppose and intimidate you to give up on your dreams are threatened and terrified by the greatness in you." They just cannot afford to see that dream come to pass in your life, hence have resorted to discouraging you. Do not give them the occasion to feel they have accomplished their mission.

Know that God did not create you to be a failure! Success and failure are two options available to everybody. You choose to succeed or fail. I know you want to succeed in life. My advice to you is work at your weaknesses and you will be surprised at where you will soon be.

You are not a failure! Do not allow anybody to deceive you that you are one. You have so much potential in you. Don’t lazily sit on it. See you at the top, for that is where you are created to be.